Data Privacy Policy

How do we process your personal data during your visit on our website?

1. Name and contact data of the person being responsible for the data processing as well as of the operating data protection officer

While processing personal data the following data protection notices shall be applied by the responsible entity: 

Name/Address Datenbeauftragter (Firma)

The operating data protection officer of EmitecTechnologies is available at the above-mentioned address, attention: 

Name/Address Datenbeauftragter

2. Collection and saving of personal data as well as nature and purpose of use

a) Visiting our website

Visiting our website the browser you use sends automatically information to the server of our website. This collected information is temporarily saved in a so-called logfile. The following information are gathered without any action on your part and saved until they are automatically deleted.

  • IP address of the enquiring computer
  • Date and time of the access
  • Name and URL of the accessed file
  • URL of the referring website
  • Used browser and if necessary, operating system of your computer as well as name of the access provider

We use the above-mentioned data for the following purposes:

  • To guaranty the smooth connection with the website
  • To guaranty the convenient usage of our website
  • To evaluate the IT security and stability
  • For further administrative purposes

Art. 6 para. 1 sentence. 1 lit. f DSGVO (GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation) constitutes the legal basis for the data processing. Our justified interest is resulting from the above-mentioned purposes for the collection of data. In no cases we use the gathered data to draw conclusions identifying you. Furthermore, during your visit on our website we use cookies as well as analysing services. More information hereto you will find in clause 4 and 5 of this data protection declaration.

b) Using our contact form

In case of any question, kindly get in contact with us by using the contact form being available on our website. For this reason, the indication of an effective e-mail address is necessary, that we know the sender identification and that we can send an answer. Further data can be provided on a voluntary basis. According to Art. 6 para. 1 sentence. 1 lit. a DSGVO (GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation) and basing on your voluntarily given consent, we process your data to get in contact with you. However, after we have completed your request your personal data, gathered by us while you use our contact form, are deleted automatically.

3. Disclosure of data to third parties

We do not disclose your personal data to any third party in cases that do not comply with the purposes mentioned in the following. Therefore, we only disclose your personal data to any third party,

  • according to art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a DSGVO (GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation) upon your prior approval;
  • according to art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f DSGVO (GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation), if it is necessary for the enforcement, exercise and defence of legal claims and if there is no reason to suppose that you have an overriding and legitimate interest in preventing the disclosure of your data;
  • according to art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. c DSGVO (GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation), if there is a statutory obligation to do so;
  • according to art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. b DSGVO (GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation), if it is permitted by law and crucial for the compliance with contractual obligations.
4. Cookies

Browsing our website, you will be assigned a permanent “cookie”; i.e. a small text file, to be stored on your terminal device’s (laptop, tablet, smartphone etc.) hard drive.

Don’t worry cookies do not harm your terminal device and they do not contain viruses, trojans or malware. The cookie only stores information being in connection with the specific terminal device. However, this does not mean that we can automatically identify you. The purpose of this cookie is to make the usage of our offer more convenient for you. For this reason, we use so-called session cookies that identify immediately that you visit some pages of our website for the second time. Leaving our website these cookies are automatically deleted.

Furthermore, we use temporarily cookies to optimize our user-friendliness. These cookies are stored on your terminal device for a certain time. They enable us to recognize automatically if you browse on our website once again, and they identify your preferred settings and entries that you will not need to enter them once again.

Besides use we cookies to produce statistics showing the usage of our website and to optimize our offer (kindly see clause 5). They enable us to recognize automatically if you browse on our website once again. After a defined time, these cookies are automatically deleted. Data processed by cookies, are necessary to protect our as well as third party’s legitimate interests being in accordance with art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f DSGVO (GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation).

Most web browser do automatically accept cookies, but you can choose to browse on our website without cookies. In this case you need to configure your web browser that cookies are not stored on your terminal device or that a notice always appears remembering that new cookies are activated. However, if you decide to deactivate all cookies, it may happen that you will not be able to take advantage of certain features of our site.

5. Google Services

In our internet presence we use the map service of  Google. This is a service of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA, herein referred to as “Google”.

By their certification being in accordance with EU-US Privacy Shield

Google guarantees that they even comply with EU’s data protection regulations when processing data in the USA.

Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f DSGVO (GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation) constitutes the legal basis. The optimization of our website’s features as well as the securing of our economic operation legitimates our interests.

Thanks to the connection to Google, they can identify the website that has sent the request and can send the presentation of the font to the IP address of the enquiring terminal device.

For further and detailed information as well as to get information about the possibility to reject the use of your data kindly see the following links of Google:

6. Rights of the persons affected

You shall be entitled to,

  • in accordance with art. 15 DSGVO, to require information about your personal data being processed by us. Especially, you are entitled to require information about the processing purpose, the category of the personal data, the group of receivers which your personal data have been disclosed to, scheduled storage period, your right of correction, deletion, limitation of the processing, your right of objection, right of appeal, origin of the data, unless these data have not been collected by ourselves as well as to require information about the existence of an automated decision-making including profiling and, if necessary, significant information concerning the details;
  • in accordance with art. 16 DSGVO, to require the correction of incorrect or incomplete personal data being saved by us;
  • in accordance with art. 17 DSGVO, to require the deletion of your personal data saved by us, unless this processing is not necessary for the exercise of free expression and information, for the fulfilment of legal obligations, for reasons of public interest, for the enforcement, exercise or defence of legal claims;
  • in accordance with art. 18 DSGVO, to require a limited processing of your personal data, if the accuracy of the data is contested by you, the processing is illegal, but you deny the deletion of them and we do not need these data any longer, however, you need these data for the enforcement, exercise or defence of legal claims or if you have filed an objection against the processing according to art. 21 DSGVO;
  • in accordance with art. 20 DSGVO, to obtain your personal data that you provided to us, in a structured, current and machine-readable format or to require the transfer of these data to a different responsible entity and
  • in accordance with art. 7 para. 3 DSGVO (General Data Protection Regulation), to revoke your consent at any time. Consequently, we are no longer allowed to process your data requiring your prior approval;
  • in accordance with art. 77 DSGVO, to complain to a supervisory authority. Usually, for this purpose you can get in contact with the supervisory authority of your usual residence, place of work or our law office.
7. Right of objection

If your personal data are processed due to legitimate interests which are in accordance with art. 6 para. 1 sentence. 1 lit. f DSGVO (GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation), you shall be entitled, according to art. 21 DSGVO to file an objection against the processing of your personal data, if there are reasons resulting from your special situation or if you object the purposes of direct marketing. In the latter case you are generally entitled to file an objection without indicating any special situation.

In case of any objection, kindly send an e-mail to contact.emitec(a)


8. Data privacy

During your visit on our website we use the popular method SSL (Secure Socket Layer) combined with the respectively highest coding system enabled by your browser. Usually this is a 256 Bit coding system. If your browser does not support a 256-bit encryption, we use the 128-bit v3 technology.

The lock symbol on the lower status bar shows you if a page of our website is transmitted encrypted, if the connection is secure. Furthermore, we use technical and organisational security measures to protect your data against accidental or intentional manipulation, partial or full loss, destruction or against the unauthorised access of third parties. According to the technical advances our security measures are continuously improved.

9. Most current version and modification of this privacy policy

This privacy policy is currently effective and is as of May 2018. Due to the up-dating of our website and services as well as due to modified legal and/or official regulations, it may become necessary to amend this privacy policy.

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