Legal Notice

Emitec Technologies GmbH (Head office)
Hauptstr. 128
53797 Lohmar, Germany

+49 (2246)-109-0


Registration details

Germany District Court/Siegburg
Commercial register number: HRB 13275
VAT-ID-No. DE 813 522 737

Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Florian Hitzer
Managing Directors: Rolf Brück, Martin Kohn

Responsible for the Website:

Rolf Brück

Designed by:

The Growth Group AG
Cosimastr. 111, 81925 München

Emitec Technologies GmbH strives to provide accurate and complete information on this website. However, Emitec Technologies GmbH does not accept any liability or provide any guarantee of the currentness, accuracy or completeness of the information provided on this website. This also applies to all further direct and indirect links on this website.
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