Metal substrate (METALIT®) with Perforated Structure (PE-Design ®) for catalytic converter.

Facts and Benefits

  • Perforation of corrugated and flat layer results in light weight
  • Less material, improved light-off performance
  • Low backpressure and better utilization of catalyst volume by flow homogenization
  • Significant performance improvement in case of flow- or concentrationinhomogeneity at catalyst inlet, e.g. ammonia distribution in front of an SCR catalyst
  • Smaller package space

Technical Information

  • Application as three-way catalyst for gasoline engines and SCR catalyst for diesel engines
  • Perforation of foils enables homogenization between catalyst channels
  • Cell density from 100 cpsi up to 900 cpsi
  • Foil thickness 40 … 80 µm (1,6 … 3,2 mil)

Metal substrate (METALIT®) with Perforated Structure (PE-Design ®) for catalytic converter.

Facts & Benefits

  • Perforation of corrugated and flat layer results in light weight
  • Less material, improved light-off performance
  • Low backpressure and better utilization of catalyst volume by flow homogenization
  • Significant performance improvement in case of flow- or concentrationinhomogeneity at catalyst inlet, e.g. ammonia distribution in front of an SCR catalyst
  • Smaller package space

Technical Information

  • Application as three-way catalyst for gasoline engines and SCR catalyst for diesel engines
  • Perforation of foils enables homogenization between catalyst channels
  • Cell density from 100 cpsi up to 900 cpsi
  • Foil thickness 40 … 80 µm (1,6 … 3,2 mil)

Further Substrates and Foil Designs

Further Substrates and Foil Designs

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